Sunday, May 4, 2008

Hallo World!

My profile describes me a a "Grumpy Old Fart" and the title of this blog includes the words, "a not so politically correct Blog". This should give you a clue to what is about to come.

Maybe I should introduce myself. I live in Cape Town (Paradise). I have no time for politicians, especially the Minister of Health and George Bush, yuppies and assholes. I cannot stand the way that South Africans have become so greedy.

I am a firm believer in freedom of speech and exercise my Democratic right to criticize politicians (especially the Minister of Health and George Bush), as well as yuppies and assholes.

From time to time,I will also post material, that whilst not pornographic, is not suitable for children.

My intention is simple, exercise my democratic right to criticize assholes and share things that interest me.

Buckle up and enjoy the ride!

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